Our Thoughts

Sure - we've got an opinion - want to hear it?

We're here to help you understand the legal marketplace better. We provide our thoughts and perspective on a diverse array of topics.

Visit us on LinkedIn to learn more about career development and advancement. Topics are varied - some are serious and others are a bit more fun.


Some Recent Discussions

December 2021: Considering making a move in 2022? Things you need to do now.

September 2021: Returning to the office after a pandemic - how will things be different?

January 2021: New Year, New Job? Have you done a social media review?

June 2020: Working remotely from home. Networking during a pandemic. Interviewing via web conferencing - look around you.

COVID-19: March 2020: How bad will things get for law firms? How are law firms preparing for lateral hiring? Can you make a lateral move during these uncertain times? How will the coronavirus change the way law is practiced?